Luke 2:39-40
Galatians 4:1-7
Imagine God having trust in any human being to raise HIS SON Jesus? God trusted Joseph to do the right things for His Son! Just goes to show you how merciful our God is…to trust a mortal man to raise our Sovereign Lord! My God...
Our earthly dads are sort of like Joseph; teaching and training Someone else’s child. You are the foster parents responsible for being
the examples for God’s children. When you
think about it that way, it makes you take a closer look at your position in a child's life.
Being a dad is a great
responsibility and one should not take that job lightly. It’s vitally important to give God’s children good
advice, sturdy and consistent discipline, encouragement, understanding and positive reinforcement. Be the role-model your sons and daughters will follow by setting forth good examples.
Remember dads: your children are watching YOU live - and what you are shouts much louder than anything you can ever say.
Let your character and integrity speak louder than your words...
Be blessed on this Father's Day Sunday!