When life tries to get you down, shout D-Fence!
When the enemy tries to attack your mind, holler back with D-Fence! When the devil tries to attack your body, yell D-Fence!
Look up towards heaven to ask God for help and He will lift you up. One way to keep your life from spinning out of control is to keep your mind focused on God's promises. Keep the whole armor of God on everyday. Keep that Word close everyday. Hold on to your faith everyday.
Just like you get dressed to go out and face the day, dress up in your whole armor. It's a spiritual warfare going on out there!! And what better way to fight the war, than to have on the whole armor of God. Yes the battle is the Lord's but that does not mean you won't have to fight. So, why not fight the enemy with God's SWord!
Weapons will form. The fiery darts will be thrown but the Spirit will intercede for us! When the enemy will try to foul you but our Referee (God) will come to our D-Fence and place us on the free-throw line of Grace, to help you shoot those 2 points called hope and faith. And it's a SWISH - the devil is defeated!
Yes the enemy will rear its ugly head; but for those of us who serve a God who sits high and looks low, we can rest assure that vengeance is truly the Lord's and He WILL repay!
Trust God and always wear your whole armor; leave nothing to chance. Enjoy life and be in constant prayer. Pray about everything! Always remain alert as you fight. Pray in the spirit. Don't let the enemy catch you with your buckle loose. Trust and believe in God's Word and stand firmly on it!
The whole armor will protect us from head to toe. The full armor protects our hearts and souls. The full armor is heavy artillery needed, so we can keep on fighting.
Don't give up! Keep on fighting until Jesus comes back! Remain true to the Gospel and watch the Word work on our behalf. If you believe God, then He will come through for you just like He has for me.
Don't give up! Keep on fighting until Jesus comes back! Remain true to the Gospel and watch the Word work on our behalf. If you believe God, then He will come through for you just like He has for me.
Be blessed and have a great weekend!
-Pastor D