Pastor Doris G. Deckard

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Dallas, Texas, United States
Pastor Deckard is a native Texan and lives in Dallas with her family. She preached her first sermon in 2004 and was ordained in 2008. Pastor Deckard has continued to preach and teach at Church of the Solid Rock. She has made her life all about service and participated in many workshops and seminars, from parenting symposiums to diversity conferences along with speaking engagements. Pastor Deckard has traveled locally and internationally, preaching and singing for the Lord. She is a Partnered Ally with the University of North Texas Equality and Diversity Programs and received many awards for her various community-outreach programs and volunteer services. One ministry very close to her heart is Sand Branch. As a Preacher of the Gospel, Pastor Deckard desires to introduce more souls to Christ as she encourages others to focus more on spirituality and their relationship with the Lord. Pastor Deckard founded D. G. Deckard Ministries in 2007, a 501c3 Christian organization. She is also the founder and Pastor of Church the Solid Rock, Dallas TX; a place of worship, acceptance and spiritual growth.

Saturday, September 09, 2017

Church of the Solid Rock: A Lifeboat Station

A healthy Christian Community should attract people to Christ, not to a building. The original purpose of the church has become somewhat obsolete. Perhaps the Church has gotten away from her purpose. Maybe The Bride (The Church) has become this conditional chic on the side: I’ll go but only if I don’t have another "date" or engagement. Let me check my calendar. I’ll go when I have time?? Really?? Wow!
Too many churches have been built to house the elitist groups of society. These days, there's "special seating" that has been set up "reserved" for the rich and famous, or well to do, or large tithers...ehem! Very few churches are set up for the poor, hungry, lost, and needy. You have more shady preachers who are self appointed, than sand on beaches. Not judging any particular church we all can see who is real and who is fake. I know MY eyes are WIDE open.
Where are “the called” by God? Where are the true prophets Lord? I met and only knew of one, and she, yes she has crossed over. She WAS the real deal! The Rev. Delores P. Berry was her name.
There are thousands of church buildings yet over half of the congregation is confused about God; and they are lost without Jesus. People need to stop playing church and get back to her real purpose and that's to seek out the lost and introduce them TO Christ first, then perhaps we can get them in church and keep them in church. We can then pray for them. Teach them the true Word of God as we enjoy genuine fellowship one with another. The assembly’s purpose has been confused with networking. Some people feel...”well, if I can’t be seen and if ain’t nothing in it for me, I am not interested”
Jesus didn’t have any business cards. No fancy clothes or shoes. No stately look. He was a “plain Jane or John” (LOL) but He had MUCH power because God was truly with Him.
The Church should be a lifeboat station for anyone who is seeking for a place where like-minded Believers can come together to learn about God, find Jesus & meet the Holy Ghost; to learn how to be saved and live a Christian life by faith, not by sight. And yes, you can be saved without being baptized you know. Remember the thief on the cross…(Luke 23:43)
The Bible is clear that salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, not by works of any kind, including baptism (Ephesians 2:8-9). So, any interpretation which comes to the conclusion that baptism, or any other act, is necessary for salvation, is a faulty interpretation. And God knows we have a lot of faulty interpretation going on in the church these days.
"Don’t scare the “hell out of people” just give’m a glimpse of heaven on earth"
The Church should be a lifeboat station to feed the hungry and clothe the naked.
The Church should be a lifeboat station that shows love, and where people can feel safe. 
The Church should be a lifeboat station to enjoy genuine fellowship and help others grow and get spiritually fed and grow better not bitter.
Here at Church of the Solid Rock, we can be your lifeboat station. But it's also a two-way street. We want the people to want us, and we want to help them but they have to want to be helped. Some people play too much. But they need to realize that the devil is not playing with them. It's time for people to get serious about God and stop playing games. Frankly nobody is impressed – really! We ought to aim to please God instead of always trying to impress others. God will last forever but people won’t...not in this fleshly human form anyways. Only what you do for Christ will last…
Small Testimony: At one point in the early stages of this ministry, I thought we were just too old fashion; so I tried a more modern, relaxed approach. Big mistake! I thought we needed more ministers, a diverse staff; that didn't work either. Then I thought: we need a musician; that didn't work either. So now, that chapter is closed, we are doing what we're supposed to be doing...having church. 
In many cases I have found that some people are lost because they want to be. At some point you have to realize that no one is responsible for your salvation but you. No one is responsible for your happiness but you. As God guides your steps, YOU are responsible to follow. Let God lead the dance. Let God be the head of your life; not people. Let God tell you what to do and how to do it.  Let God show you what you should be doing, not what you want to be doing. (note to self)
Once I stopped trying to “save the world” (Jesus already did that) and figure people out (only God knows) and let God deal with them, my life became more enriched and empowered. My joy improved. My outlook about my purpose was revealed and my disappointments subsided. God healed my wounded heart and my hurts finally dissipated. Just because I don’t associate with you, does not mean I hate you. Like you, I have moved on to another chapter.
Some people come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. They can be a blessing or a lesson, and many of the people I have met over the years have been both. Thank you for being a blessing and the lesson!
We must let God lead and guide our every move; not people. Disallow others to play with your emotions because they will; and that can make you loco if you let them keep it up. (LOL)
Church of the Solid Rock is a lifeboat station and very much doing what God intends for us to do. We will build our church but in God's time. Until then, our doors will remain open every Sunday that God allows. Every now and again, God reminds me that we are still relevant to the Kingdom. We will increase in numbers as God’s will is done. As we remain on track and stay the course, God will continue to bless and keep us in His plan on purpose, and in position.
Here at CRock, our lifeboat station is very much alive in Christ! We may be small in numbers but we are mega in power. We are NOT dead, because God is not; He’s surely alive and on the inside of the walls of our souls!
It’s time for people to know that we at Church of the Solid Rock, are always ready for them but the question is, are they ready for us???
C’Rock will be right here when you’re ready; we ain’t going nowhere! J See you soon!
-Pastor D

Friday, May 12, 2017

Celebrating Mothers

In Loving Memory of
Mrs. Doris Harrison Deckard
This weekend, as we celebrate mothers, let us not forget the many sacrifices she has made and continues to make for you.

A mother can NEVER be replaced. Her devotion is tireless. Her love is endless. Cherish EVERY moment with your mother and let her know how much she means to you. Don't wait because, when she's gone, she's gone from this life. As God promised, if you are a believer, you shall see her again. It's OK to miss her, if she's gone but don't grieve over her in a hopeless mindset. Know that ONE day, you shall see her again.

To those of you whom still have your moms, don't forget to tell her you love her. You don't have wait for Mother's Day to give her flowers either; give them to her now -- then again on her special recognition day - Mother's Day.

As a mom, I celebrate because God granted me something precious, a wonderful and blessed son. Oh how I love him so; and God knows it. Thank You Lord!

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers, moms, and me-maws out there. God loves you and thanks you for caring for His creation.

Be blessed,

Pastor Doris G. Deckard

Monday, February 27, 2017

Career or Calling?

"Following God is my job. He will make me what He wants me to be"

Not everyone has a clear career path.
But a calling, well that is always questionable.

A career path puts you on an ideal journey but a calling, what is that EXACTLY?!?

If you find your passion, that will oftentimes lead you to your calling. My calling keeps my passion fluid and helps me to flourish, even when the stream changes.

My calling is to help others transform their lives into something better. "To Improve. Grow. Live joyfully happy!!"

Even with flaws, God calls. He's not asking us for perfection but our faithful commitment to our purpose. Do you realize your calling? Your purpose? Where is YOUR passion? Think about it and get to it. Seek God for direction and let Him guide your steps.

Following God is my job. He will make me what He wants me to be. Will you follow He whom calls you to be what you are destined to be? Pair up with God today and move into your calling.

Be blessed!

Saturday, January 07, 2017

And On The 7th Day...

God rested on THE seventh day. Rested from His labor. Rested from His creation.

Take some time to rest. You can work 6 days but take at least one day to rest and be restored. It's OK to rest because when you're rested, your mind is sharp and your spirit is strong. Don't attempt to operate when your mind and spirit are both tired because you become counter-productive and make senseless mistakes.

Stop. Rest. Resume with fervor and grace.

God bless and have a restful night.

- Pastor D

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