Pastor Doris G. Deckard

My photo
Dallas, Texas, United States
Pastor Deckard is a native Texan and lives in Dallas with her family. She preached her first sermon in 2004 and was ordained in 2008. Pastor Deckard has continued to preach and teach at Church of the Solid Rock. She has made her life all about service and participated in many workshops and seminars, from parenting symposiums to diversity conferences along with speaking engagements. Pastor Deckard has traveled locally and internationally, preaching and singing for the Lord. She is a Partnered Ally with the University of North Texas Equality and Diversity Programs and received many awards for her various community-outreach programs and volunteer services. One ministry very close to her heart is Sand Branch. As a Preacher of the Gospel, Pastor Deckard desires to introduce more souls to Christ as she encourages others to focus more on spirituality and their relationship with the Lord. Pastor Deckard founded D. G. Deckard Ministries in 2007, a 501c3 Christian organization. She is also the founder and Pastor of Church the Solid Rock, Dallas TX; a place of worship, acceptance and spiritual growth.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Jesus IS The Reason for the Christmas Season

Jesus. Born of a virgin in a stable in Bethlehem. When? Some scholars believe Jesus was born around early to late fall. Some believe on or around December 25 then others believe early to late spring. So, what day or time of the year was Jesus really born? The question is important but to me, the most important question is WHY was Jesus born??

Jesus was born to save the world from darkness. No more condemnation! Those who are in Christ Jesus are free from condemnation (see Romans 8:1). Jesus, our Lord and Savior was sent to save YOU! Jesus died so that we can have life and live with more abundance. OK preacher, you say Jesus died for me so, why am I so miserable -- especially during this time of the year?? Because you my brother/sister, have not made Jesus your Lord & Savior. Jesus is not the head of your life but the tail; The One has been made the "two" or "three" of your life. No wonder life takes a tail spin out of control. Jesus is not in it anywhere!

For many people, Jesus has been placed in some pop-up box as if we can just turn the dial then up pops Jesus to immediately take away our troubles. We only call on Jesus when it's convenient or to take care of immediate needs. Sure, we all experience life at some point, can't escape that but, how many are willing to live for Jesus 24/7/365...during the tough times....sad times....broken times....lonely times...sick times...?? Let me ask you this; what will it cost you not to follow Jesus?? C'mon, what do you have to lose?? Just try Him for yourself.

Live for Jesus every day. Accept your cross [condition] and carry it....just like Jesus did. Be happy regardless of the circumstance. Jesus has given you an opportunity to be with God forever. Will you miss your opportunity or will you reject The Gift?? Jesus is the key.

Do not allow anyone or any tangible thing to be the "key" to your happiness. Those people and things will pass on but Jesus will live forever. Jesus is the key gift of hope and promise. If you allow Jesus to be the key to your everyday living, watch the doors of hope open, the doors of faith increase and the yokes of bondage torn down. Begin to see the infinite gifts of hope & happiness flow in your life. Make the love of Jesus your daily bread and celebrate Christmas everyday!!

Have a very Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year!!

Monday, November 19, 2007

The Spirit Delivers from the Power of the Flesh

From: Hope for Every Moment by T.D. Jakes

When I was a boy, we had a dog named Pup. He was a mean and ferocious animal. We had him chained in the back of the house to a four-by-four post. The chain was huge.

One day Pup saw something that he really wanted. It was out of his reach. He pulled that chain to the limit. All at once, instead of drawing him back, the chain snapped, and Pup was loose.

That’s what God will do for you. The thing that used to pull you back will snap, and you will be liberated by a goal because God’s put greatness before you. You can’t receive what God wants for your life by looking back. He is mighty. He is powerful enough to destroy the yoke of the enemy in your life. He is strong enough to bring you out and loose you, deliver you, and set you free.

Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. Romans 8:12

We are the voice and the hand that encourages people to change their lives with hope, comfort and peace.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Is This YOUR Leader

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"Gettin' good players is easy. Gettin' 'em to play together is the hard part."
Casey Stengel
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How proud are you of the key players on your team? You have great people working with you, you know. But does your leadership style encourage them to work together as a team, or to compete with each other for your attention and favor? One of my clients is a very smart guy but a terrible leader. Let's call him Jake.

Jake inherited a team in which half the members were really strong contributors and half were inconsistent in achieving tangible outcomes. Jake's strategy was to ignore the lower achievers,withhold information from them and hope they would resign or leave. He spent time one-on-one with each of the team members he considered high-achievers and gave them lots of praise. But he rarely shared a team vision and he never allowed team members to work together to achieve a goal. In fact, he fed different (and often conflicting) information to different team members which prevented them from collaborating on projects or supporting each other's efforts. Before long, this team began to implode. I was called in by Jake's boss to design and facilitate a 6-month team building strategy after a few resignations. And others who relied on the team for information, guidance and support were complaining that Jake was the only one who had the information they needed and that he didn't trust others on the team to make any decisions or provide any services without his personal approval.

Some people thought Jake was a control freak. Others thought he was insecure and in over his head. But Jake was just a guy who had been promoted every 2-3 years because he was good at managing ideas, and great at managing himself. It wasn't totally his fault that he was not very effective accomplishing results through other people; his previous bosses had never held him accountable for developing and leveraging relationships. Jake had to learn the difference between managing and leading. It wasn't easy for him to guide, coach and trust others; but he is learning how to do it. And along the way he was surprised to discover that some of the people he considered weak members of the team turned out to be star players once they had the information and encouragement they needed to do a great job! Great leaders inspire each individual to perform at a high level while generating team effort as well.

Think . . . and act . . . like a leader!
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Let us be examples of leaders who are trustworthy, caring, courageous and fair.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

For The Sake of the Kingdom

1Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. 2Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful humankind so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. Hebrews 12:1-3 (NIV)

Jesus gave his all for the sake of the kingdom. He laid down his life for ours so that we may live life abundantly and not as people without hope. Jesus covered all sin which means, the penalty for sin has been paid so that we may live free from guilt and shame. Let us receive the free gift of grace (salvation) as it was freely given by way of Jesus’ blood on the cross; which means, we have no excuse NOT to live for God.

I'm sure there are things in all of our lives that we are afraid to give up but we must sacrifice them instead of being the sacrifice. We all have areas that need improvement such as more prayer & time with God, consistency in our giving, and a deeper faith. I’m reminded of the poor widow who gave all that she had to live on. (Mark 12:41-44) Why did she give up everything?? Why did she give her best?? What was her motivation for sowing that sacrificial offering?? It was her faith & love for God. She loved God so much until she was willing to sacrifice everything for the sake of the kingdom. Her faith did not allow her to focus on her poverty but on her need for God. At times, we find ourselves in need because we have refused to give or give up something. The more you give, the more you receive. Let the worldly possessions go because in the end, only what you do for Christ will last. That "stuff" will be passed on to another then it becomes a mute point in the end.
Oftentimes, we give a sacrificial gift with a monetary return in mind. In most cases, the sacrifice could indicate more peace and joy, a dependable and trustworthy friend, financial resources, better health, deeper sleep and good night’s rest; all of these positive outcomes. So many times, we put a price tag on our faith when faith is merely action. Action gives you results and God determines the outcome and the rewards are priceless!

Here's a suggestion: take your everyday, ordinary lives, your sleeping & eating habits, your work ethics and spiritual need then place them before God. Cast all of your cares on Him as a sacrificial offering. Embrace what God does for you. Don't become so well-adjusted to life’s cultures that you do not fit into God’s plan. Shake off the weight of the world and march on then watch God work miracles in your life.

Focus your attention on God and not the cares of worldly things. You'll be changed from the inside and that change will reflect outwardly. Keep in mind that this change may not happen immediately so you don't have anything to prove to the world, only to God. Those who are connected to the Spirit will see it and those who are linked to the carnality of life will miss it. You will prosper, your seed will prosper then your entire household will be richly blessed beyond measure. The outside/evil forces will know that it was God that brought you through!

Recognize what God wants from you then quickly respond. In today’s cultures, there is so much immaturity and immorality but God brings out the best when He considers you to be "good ground." He will develop the well informed, mature and moral you. Practice a high level of morality, integrity and maturity then see how God will unfold the BEST in you! Do it for the sake of the kingdom.

My son teaches me that perfect practice makes perfect. As believers, we should practice sacrificial giving of our time, talents & gifts; our financial resources, volunteering in our communities and encourage others to seek for a personal and intimate relationship with God. Let the Holy Ghost be your guide in all that you do and say. Practice these basic steps in a perfect way and see how God will work a miracle in your life. Do it for the sake of the kingdom!

God gave His very best to the world. Now, it’s our turn to give our best to God by walking in His will and in His way. If you do not have a clue, grab the inspired word called the bible and God will speak to you in many facets of your life.

Give up those doubts. You CAN make it without that person or thing that holds you back or deters you from fully committing your whole life to God and the work He has designed specifically for you. Cease from fear because God has not given His children the spirit of fear but the spirit of love, power and a sound mind.

No more procrastinating and short-changing God. Use the best resource, the Holy Ghost power, which God has instilled in you. The ultimate sacrifice is to give God your all as He gave His all. Let's do it for the sake of the kingdom!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Remembering My Dad

As I sit here today in celebration of my dad, Leroy Deckard Sr., I am celebrating his life in my heart because dad has crossed over the Jordan and into the Promised Land. I know he lives with God now, because dad accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior and for that I’m forever grateful!! Dad lived a full and fruitful life. He was a great man of honor; a respected resident and proud US citizen. I celebrate his life because dad was a giver who loved his family so dearly. His wife and children came first then everything else afterward. Leroy Deckard Sr., better known as “Bud” was a great man, a devoted brother, a loving husband, a super father and an awesome friend. Dad always took care of home; his family never wanted for anything. He was dedicated to everything he did and never complained about much except for when it was necessary. He never judged nor had anything negative to speak about anyone [that I knew of] but always gave constructive & sound advise. He was always positive and upbeat. Not that I am implying that dad was a perfect man [only Jesus was] but he was an honest & fair man.
Dad loved to sing. Anytime Dad was feeling his best he would hum a little ditty or two while walking up and down the halls at home -- just singing and clapping his hands. (what a sight!) Mom would often shake her head and say, "uh, that's a shame" then chuckle.
My dad was a hard working man. Dad began working at the ripe age of 10 years old. He took care of his younger brother during their childhood, after both sets of parents had passed on. He worked while his younger sibling and only brother attended grade school. Dad chose to give up his childhood & primary education to ensure that his brother would complete school. As time progressed, dad's brother graduated from high school then attended barber college. Dad and his brother were able to purchase some property to build a barber shop. I believe this was the first African-American owned and operated barber shop in Dalworth [Grand Prairie TX]. It took nothing but pure love [agape love] for dad to give up their dreams and goals to see another’s dreams and goals become a reality; takes a real man with a big heart to do that.
In the early 1950’s, dad moved from Ennis to Dallas TX. Shortly afterward, he met & married mom in 1953. He was a devoted husband for nearly 55 years, until his death. Wow, what a long time to be in love with one person...and like them at the same time. As much as I remember about dad while growing up, he never missed an opportunity to show love for his wife and his children. Dad would often greeting mom with a morning kiss on the cheek after working all night.

Dad worked the grave yard shift (6pm – 6 am). Every morning he would arrive home, eat breakfast with his family then off to bed to prepare for another day of work. As his children grew older and moved out, it was just me and my younger sibling left at home. Still, dad kept his routine -- get off work, eat breakfast then off to bed. Dad was an unselfish man. He was always thinking of others and giving more of himself than most do in a lifetime. During the early stages of grade school, my younger sibling and I were required to ride the bus to school. I really didn’t care for riding the bus because the children were too loud and some were a bit out of control. One day, I asked mom if she would drive us to school but dad stepped in and volunteered and told us "if you don’t like riding the bus to school, I’ll take you myself."

Dad, being so loving and kind, after we'd all have breakfast, he would drive me and my sister to school [after working all night]. Thank God he found the strength to stay alert enough to drive us safely to school then back home safely to get in bed, only to prepare for another day of work. As my younger sibling and I grew up, dad still drove us to school every single morning without complaining then would pick us up after school. (What a DAD!)
I remember the day that I passed my driving test to obtain my license. That day, I came home excited!! I ran in the house and showed dad my driver’s license. Dad was so proud and very happy for me. Now, I’m not sure if that was a celebration of relief to get HIM off the hook from driving me and my sister to school every morning but, that didn’t matter, all I remember is that huge grin on dad's face that said, thank God – now YOU can drive yourself and your sister to school from now on!! Dad wanted to test my driving skills so he asked me to drive him to the store. Now, being a person of always wanting to please my parents, I was so nervous but I said to myself, “I can do it!” So, we drove to the store then took the long route back home. After that, he was convinced that I was ready to take on the major responsibility of driving without a chaperon. Dad now entrusted me enough to drive his personal vehicle to school [at 16 ½ years old].
Back in the early 80’s most kids, especially in my neighborhood, were driven to school or took the bus -- even walked to a local school in our neighborhood. I felt like a privileged driver and was proud that dad trusted me to be responsible enough to drive myself and a passenger to and from our destinations each week. He always knew that I was a responsible person so, he allowed me certain privileges that some kids in my "hood" didn't receive. I drove myself and my younger siblin to school until we graduated.
Dad saw greatness in me and knew that I had a heart of gold such as his. Dad saw ME and always knew I was a little different from my other siblings. Always so happy, goofy, and making others laugh and feel good about themselves. Not that my siblings were not special too but Dad saw something extra special in me. He saw that I was one of God’s greatest exhorters and gifts to humankind and knew that I would accomplish great things in his lifetime. I will miss dad's physical presence but his spirit lives within me.
As I look in the mirror and see a reflection of my dad every day, I am reminded of how special he was to me. My dad always encouraged me to do my best and I will never forget how special he made me feel. I can still remember the sound of his voice that said, "GO 'HEAD ON KID!" Dad never missed an opportunity to help me with any one of my numerous adventures. He set the example for me as well as all of his children to follow. Dad was admired and loved by many but not as much as me.

I was very proud to call him dad and he was proud to have a beautiful daughter like me. I was his special light and he was mine. Dad always showed me how special I was because every time I would come into his presence, he would give off this luminous smile as bright as a 100 watt light bulb. That smile would light up any dark room!! He was always supportive of me and never judged nor said anything negative about my precious life. He loved ME just as Jesus loves his brothers and sister who belonged to the Family of Believers -- for who we are and not who society thinks we should be.
I thank God for my dad and for the final moments we spent together. I was able to anoint dad with blessed oil, recite the 23 Psalm and pray with him before he crossed over. I whispered to Dad, "if your desire is to live then fight but if your will is to go home and be with the Lord, then go home. Either way, I’m OK." I assured dad that mom would be taken care of and not to worry. I asked dad to go on home and rest in peace. He was still my dad so I couldn't demand him to do anything -- so I asked nicely.

I will miss my dad but I know God was ready for him to come home. I don’t blame God for wanting his son back because he was someone very special. So dad, this is not a good-bye but a see you later. I love you and will always cherish our time together. See you on the other side!
Your loving daughter,
Doris Gale

Sunday, September 09, 2007


Be Devoted
By Glynnis Whitwer
"Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves."
Romans 12:10 (NIV)

She walked into church on a dreary Sunday morning, her heart as dark as the gathering storm. She'd gotten into a fight with her husband just before leaving home, and in an angry, regrettable moment, stormed off without him. She found herself sitting alone, thinking she didn't belong there.

He'd gotten laid off at work on Friday. No notice. No final paycheck. Just a "get your things and get going" announcement. He hadn't told anyone yet; it was just too embarrassing. What was he going to do? How would he pay his rent? Were his employers right? Maybe he just couldn't cut it. He'd come to church that day because there was nowhere else to go.

Look around you at any church service and you'll see normal looking people. Their lives must be great, you think. They walk in with a smile and out with a smile. All the while, many of them are dying by increments on the inside. Despair, fear, anger, questions. Is this all there is? Does anybody care? Will someone love ME?

Our churches are filled with hurting people, carelessly tossed aside by someone during the week. Their hearts and minds reverberate with echoes of angry; words spoken to them and unkind actions done to them. They walk into our churches and small groups with a filament of hope and a last-ditch prayer. What will they find?

Jesus saw beneath the surface of the plastic smiles, and stopped what He was doing to show people honor and respect. It wasn't Jesus' well-manicured conversations that did it; He didn't seem to be a master of small talk. Reading about Jesus' interactions with people, we find He got to the heart of the matter very quickly. Jesus' compassion must have radiated from Him because it didn't take long for people to open their pain-filled hearts. When they did, Jesus introduced God's healing love.

What does this mean for us? Can we really love others like Jesus did? Can our churches and small groups reflect the life-altering community of God's intent? Can we really make a difference to the "walking wounded" sitting next to us in church every week?

I think one of the ways we can get past surface relationships with others is found in Paul's letter to the Romans, "Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves." This passage calls us past the neighbor level, past the acquaintance level, past the "just friends" level, and up to familial devotion. It calls us to look at those around us and consider how we can honor them with our time and attention, as we would our brother or sister.

This isn't easy in our busy lives. Yet this Scripture holds the promise of the creation of a loving family of believers here on earth - a family that values and honors each other. That sounds like a place I want to spend the rest of my life creating. I guess I'll need to spend a little more time with the woman or man sitting next to me this Sunday. What will YOU do? We already know what Jesus did.....

Heavenly Father, I praise You and thank You for loving me just as I am. But I need help to love my Christian brothers and sisters just like they are. Help me to love like You love. Examine me and show me areas that need Your attention. I long to have the heart of Christ for others. In Jesus name, Amen.

I Have Moved!

I have moved and wanted to give you my new address. You see, I have moved from Beggars' Alley located on Poverty Lane, at the corner of Bleak and Busted Circle . As of today, I have a brand new home. My new address is: Living Well Drive, in the Abundance Subdivision, located at the corner of Blessings Street and thankful Peak.

You get there by taking the Praising Him Interstate, which runs North, South, East and West. No Longer will I allow myself to travel on Begging Peter to pay off Paul Route, because it's located at a dead-end intersection called: I Don't Have, which crosses Borrowers' Junction.

I no longer hang out at Failures' Place near Excuses Avenue, next to Procrastination Mall. I've moved on to an upscale community called Higher Heights with unlimited potential and opportunities for me to Succeed...look at me!!

Please know that each day that HE awakens me, I am thankful to be a product of my new environment. All of my clothes are MASTER TAILOR-MADE. I am dressed in life's finest. Let me introduce you to all of my new neighbors: CONCEIVE IT & BELIEVE IT, ACT ON IT, HAVE FAITH, BE PERSISTENT, AND ALWAYS BE PREPARED TO ACHIEVE.

Life is good because GOD IS GOOD!!!!! HAVE YOU MOVED TOO????? If not, I pray that you will be moving soon!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Diversity: What's Our Excuse??

Jesus came to save the world, not to condemn it. If Jesus can embrace diversity, what’s our excuse???

As SGL people and Believers of Christ, how often have we been condemned? Far too often, I declare! We have been omitted from mainstream society, looked over, disregarded and treated like non-Americans. We've been summonsed to court under false accusations and sentenced to hell without a fair trial. As SGL people, we’ve averred, promoted and preached diversity but how many of us actually live diversity? Talk about a hypocritical mix-up????.....a ball of confusion???....

Here we are, roaming around town parading our so called freedom, then, we prostitute our faith leaders according to our own personal agendas, just to satisfy our fleshly desires only to feel we've "arrived." As a community, we have been beaten down by the ‘straight’ world; declared to be no earthly good; an abomination; hell bound because of our sexuality. I say -- not so because Jesus died for all.

ALL sin has been paid by the blood that Jesus shed over 2,000 years ago so…what are we arguing about??? Why are WE at odds???

Let’s take a closer look at this word [we so loosely use] called diversity. Webster’s New College Dictionary has several definitions; (1) a point or respect in which things differ; (2) variety or multiformity. Here are three key words that really stand out: differ, variety and multiformity. Ever heard the song; “Jesus Loves the Little Children?”.....all the children of the world…..every color every race, all are covered by His grace.....???

I don't hear or see much of a display of that song much, especially in some of the hearts of our SGL community. Talk about a culture shock! Here ‘we’ are, going through discrimination in every sense of the word and in every aspect of our lives but ‘we’ [the offended] are promoting the same practices as the fundamentalist. Go figure!!

If we’re going to talk the talk, then let’s walk the walk. Prove to the evil forces that plot against us and show the bible-belt universe that we can truly stand as one nation, under God, indivisible….with liberty and justice for all, not just for the elite, selected or elected but for all humankind.

Truly love thy neighbor as thy self and not just when the media is watching or when we’re in corporate worship. We should cease to promote the bigotry & separation, pride and prejudice that is so deeply hidden within the SGL subculture. Stop perpetrating a fraud and be who you really are -- show your TRUE shade of color.

Galatians 6:10 states, therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers. We are children of God, through faith in Christ Jesus.

So, why do we exclude certain groups from our subculture? Are we that paranoid about who we are in Christ??? the point when we have to make others feel less than....? My bible teaches me that there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for we are all one in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3:28)

All are one in Christ! No barriers or road blocks; no excuses or only if you "fit in." Let's show pure, agape love and acceptance of all people regardless of our flaws. The Enemy (Satan) would love to have God’s family limping along life’s road, pretending to love each other. As Believers and with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we can stop these evil practices by showing love towards our neighbor, regardless of color, gender, creed, class etc.

Yes, this life is filled with choices and changes but the best choice is Jesus. Find the Jesus in everyone [if you can] where ever you go. See Jesus in all there is to see. Try Jesus before all else fails. Then know that Jesus will see you through what ever trials and tribulations you experience. All are welcome at the Lord’s Table. Jesus has an open table and that table is open for all to experience and claim the victory. Let's open our hearts to one another and embrace the diversity such as Jesus did. Some ask the question: what would Jesus do???? Well, what ever he did, it was out of pure love. May we all experience that love, one for another? I pray that we do in this lifetime. Amen.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

"Light Duty"

Are people depending on you? Are you very responsible? Do you need to complete a task? Will you fulfill the need based on the matter or based on YOU getting the glory and recognition?

In the same way, let your light shine before humanity, that they may see your good deeds and praise your FATHER in heaven. Matthew 5:16

In this day and age, we often witness persons in distress? Seems as though everyone is struggling with matters and concerns of life; having a bad day, grumpy and just not in the mood to face life’s challenges. Somehow, you experience a close encounter with these very individuals. You smile or maybe greet them with enthusiasm and for the most part; the individual may reciprocate the smile or an upbeat response. If not -- this could very well be your day for “light duty”.

Now, this light duty does not mean that you have little or no work to do; or that you've returned from workman's comp...not at all. This day could be your opportunity to add some light to a very dark situation.

Luke 8:16 tells us that no one lights a lamp and hides it in a jar or puts it under a bed. Instead, it’s placed on a stand so that those who come in can see the light. Do you realize that you are a very important source of light to someone? There's a person in this world who is dependant upon you for “light duty.”

As believers in Christ, we face many dark encounters. Jesus is the source of our light and we should walk in that light and allow the cleansing of Christ’s holiness to destroy every evil yoke darkness, fear, the lack of confidence and little or no faith. If we say we are God's heir, then our lights should never go out; even if our light gets dim -- it should never go out.

'Evil does not drive out darkness, light does.'

As followers of Christ, we should continue to let our lights shine before others to drive out the unknown evils that surrounds us. So what, if a person feels you’re 'faking the funk'-- doesn’t matter; God knows if your heart is true and sincere. Basically, all that matters is what's pleasing to God. We all can make this world a brighter place; all we have to do is take on some "light duties."

In the Old Testament, God provided special light for the Israelites during their expedition to the promised land. Moses was not totally responsible for leading God’s people alone; God was with them all the way. By day, the Israelites traveled by a pillar of cloud and during the night, they traveled by a pillar of fire. Moses trusted God’s instructions and the Israelites trusted that Moses was their God-appointed leader.

How often do we look to our leaders, especially our church leaders, as God’s chosen -- not humanity’s selection but God’s royal elect? Do we entrust the leaders to follow God’s instructions? What about the followers? Do we trust that we are lead by God and the Holy Spirit or an illusion of us leading ourselves??? Test the spirits!

Today, we are living in a world filled with misery and strife. People are searching for something or someone to bring light into their dark situations. There’s evil everywhere. Very few people wish to live in the light, for darkness is their motivation. God has entrusted us [children of light]with being that light representing Jesus Christ. Now, God does not place all the light in the same location to shine. Some may be called to shine at home; some in the workplace; others in he church or parachurch and to different ministries; to our families or in remote places. However, the glory of the Lord gives us that light. It is our responsibility to share the light with the lost, confused, less fortunate, the excluded, the mistreated, the misunderstood and the lovers of the darkness. Then, God gets the glory. It's not about you!!

"Jesus’ light is more powerful than the deepest darkness."

In Ephesians, we are instructed to live as children of light. Sometimes our lamps are on and we are not fully aware of the magnitude in that light. Have you ever noticed that when you walk into a room full of people, the room just lights up? Me too. People are happy to see you. They feed off of your illumination of radiance. Your positive spirit ministers to them. That pep in your step encourages them that everything is going to be alright. Keep it up!

For those who are living in a world of darkness and are not the least bit affected by your light, God has a place for them too. If they are too busy allowing self-hate and pitty to control their lives, you need to remove yourself from that space.

Wake up O sleeper, rise from the dead and Christ will shine on you!

Are you sleeping on the job instead of taking on some light duty?" Is your light running low on energy? Are you tired, fatigued and stressed out? Here's a suggestion....

Wake up O sleeper, rise from the dead and Christ will shine on you!

When are you going to turn on YOUR lamp; get out of that dark hole; take off the sunglasses and let in some light? Stop allowing others to create a world of darkness; dump their load on you and leave or deposit negative energy in your spirit! Embrace your light and place it on a stand to give life to a dead situation!

Wake up O sleeper, rise from the dead and Christ will shine on you!

Don’t hide your light under a bushel or in a closet. You can't hide from God! Walk in your own light and get out of someone else's shadow. Let YOUR light shine for the entire world to see that Jesus is the light of your life.

Wake up O sleeper, rise from the dead and Christ will shine on you!

Stop living in the gutters and rise to the occasion. Live for Christ because only what you do for Him will last. Stop dwelling in darkness and seek the light of hope! Stop believing that God does not love you because....?????

God can use anyone available for his kingdom and glory; just try him! Use your light for the glory of God; not to impress humans but to please God. The Lord is MY light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life, of whom shall I be afraid? (Psalm 27:1)

Wake up O sleeper, rise from the dead and Christ will shine on you!

Let it be so in your life today, Amen!

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Taking Inventory

Don't you know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:18

All believers have God in their hearts. But not all believers have given their whole heart to God. Remember, the question is not, how can I have more of the Spirit? but rather, how can the Spirit have more of me?

Take inventory.

As you look around your life, do you see any resistant pockets?..
Go down the list....

Your tongue. Do you tend to stretch the truth? Puff up the facts? Your language? Is your language a sewer of profanities and foul talk? And grudges? Do you keep resentment parked in your garudge?
( "I did until most recently") Are you unproductive and lazy? Do you live off the system, assuming that the church or the country should take care of you?...

Do your actions interrupt the flow of the Spirit in you life? "If so, take inventory."

Come Thirsty
"Grace For The Moment"
by Max Lucado

Thursday, May 24, 2007

I Am A Christian

I Am A Christian by Maya Angelou

When I say..."I am a Christian"
I'm not shouting, "I'm clean livin'."
I'm whispering "I was lost",
Now I'm found and forgiven.

When I say..."I am a Christian"
I don't speak of this with pride.
I'm confessing that I stumble
And need CHRIST to be my guide.

When I say..."I am a Christian"
I'm not trying to be strong.
I'm professing that I'm weak
And need HIS strength to carry on.

When I say..."I'm am a Christian"
I'm not bragging of success.
I am admitting I have failed
And need god to clean my mess.

When I say..."I am a Christian"
I'm not claiming to be perfect,
My flaws are far too visible
But, God believes I am worth it.

When I say..."I am a Christian"
I still feel the sting of pain.
I have my share of heartaches!
So I call upon His name.

When I say..."I am a Christian"
I'm not holier than thou,
I'm just a simple sinner
Who received God's good grace, through CHRIST JESUS!!!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Hopeful Heart

Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Psalm 37:3

How is it that the wicked prosper? Do you ever wonder why evil seems to exceed good? Me too. If you read the entire chapter of Psalm 37, you will cease to ponder these questions. The ungodly will wither away and righteousness will take charge and rule over evil.

This week, I had a major melt down due to the injustices of life. I thought to myself, how can people continue to be so cruel and uncaring? How can these people sleep at night? Psalm 37:12-13 says the wicked plot against the righteous and gnash their teeth at them; but the Lord laughs at the wicked, for he knows their day is coming.

After all, I'm walking in the will of God yet still, I have to go through. How can someone who's so strong just loose control of their emotions???
....because I'm human. (I too have my moments)

Where was MY outlet? Who was I to vent to? After I found my outlet and was able to vent, my focus was replenished. I thanked God for seeing me through the storm.

Once I had some time to chill, I realized that I had lost my focus. I began to focus on my small problem instead of God's promises. My problem became my focus and I felt myself slipping into this black hole! Before my mind could say Stop!..Enough!..No more!.. Get a grip!..God's got it!.. My future is in His hands not mine!...I typed up my "I quit letter" and marched in my bosses office and said, I'm done! I knew in my spirit that God would worked it out because He knew I was justified in my actions. God IS my source for everything and strength in all things.

NO WEAPON formed against me will EVER prosper!!!! My God IS God and I am His daughter. I have been set apart to do the will of Him who sent me and to complete the work.

In studying Psalm 37 this morning, my spirit realized that God was speaking to me; then, I get to work and more from God. Wow; what an awesome God we serve!! Yes, the favor & blessings of the Lord are on my side. My major melt down was the end of a new beginning. Praise God that storm is over now!

I have been justified by faith and vindicated by salvation! I will continue to do good, as this is God's will for my life. I have heaven business to conduct and I am not about to stop now!!

Never give up hope!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

How To Handle Haters

A hater can be defined as someone that is jealous and envious, and spends all or most of their time trying to make you look small so they can look tall. When you begin to walk in your purpose, you will always attract some haters. This is why you have to be careful who you share your blessings and your dreams with because - some folk can't handle seeing you blessed. It's dangerous to wish you were somebody else. If God wanted you to be like somebody else, He would have given you what he gave them. "You can only walk in your own blessings." No one can beat YOU being YOU. Love yourself enough to appreciate yourself.

If you only knew what people have gone through to obtain what they have maybe - you would appreciate their success. The problem I have with haters is that they see my glory, but don’t know my story. If my grass looks greener on the other side of the fence, you can rest assure that the water bill is much higher. (to much is given, much is required)

We all have some haters among us; how do we recognize them?

* Haters don't want to see you happy
* Haters don't want to see you succeed
* Haters don't want you to get the victory
* Haters try to mimic everything you do
* Haters like to see you sweat
* Haters will not celebrate your purpose

Most of our haters are people that are supposed to be on our side. Be careful when people want to get close to you. (they smile in your face when all the time they want to take your place, those backstabbers) How do you handle the haters who you at least expect to have your guard up against?

* Know who YOU are in Christ
* Recognize that haters will NOT help you fulfill your purpose
* What you have is by divine purpose and not by human manipulation

Purpose does not mean having a job. You can have a job and still not fulfill your purpose. You can be a "good" person and still not walk in the will of God.

Having a clear sense of what God has called you to be is a great way to appreciate your purpose. What others think about you or what you have accomplished does NOT define your purpose. You will find yourself chasing dreams, goals and material possessions for false purposes. The more "stuff" you obtain, the more others will think about you??? The best way to expose your haters is to get sick or go broke then notice their behavior and enthusiasm towards you. If your only purpose in life is to tell someone that Jesus loves them - then you have fulfilled your purpose and will take your rightful place with God.

...remember, only what you do for Christ will last...

When God gives you favor, you can tell your haters, "Don't look at me, look at who is in charge of me." Therefore, stop the hating and appreciate me because God has raised me up. What you may see today does not mean that I have not gone through some tough trials to get here. Never judge a book by its cover! "The glass may be half full or half empty; only you get to decide who can deposit and debit your glass." Be blessed today and appreciate the blessings and favor in all of God's creation.

Now, go and get YOUR blessings .........

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Where Did God Go?

Where is God during tragic times? Why does it seem like God has gone into a hidden place when evil rears it's ugly head? I wonder how many people wake up each morning and think that their lives would come to a bitter end?

I was deeply saddened by the tragic event that took place on the campus of Virginia Tech University last Monday morning. My heart goes out to all the victims and their families as well as the entire nation that may have been affected by this horrific act of confusion. The young man was deeply disconnected from reality; decided that he had no hope and ended many lives along with his own. We ask ourselves; WHERE WAS GOD???

Well, God was present but not welcomed. We have constantly excluded God from many areas of the U.S. and our world. Some cultures believe that humankind simply evolved and that no Higher Power dictates our lives and believe the humankind will judge one another. Therefore, what CAN we expect from God in Satan's domain? Psalms 91:1 reads..He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadows of the Almight. If we trust God, he will be our refuge and we may seek his protection in times of spiritual and physical danger. There are some things we must go through in order to increase our faith, growth and trust in The One who created everything.

Anything that can happen, is bound to happen and we are too often caught by surprise and ill-prepared. My question is; if God is not welcomed, what can we as believers and non-believers expect when tragic hits? We've pushed God out of our schools and government, our homes and places we frequent. Instead of Merry Christmas, we use Happy Holidays. God has been excluded or disenfranchised numerous ways but we expect for God to act immediately to our needs.

We constantly and continuously tell God no, you are not welcomed here; no God, we don't need You unless it's convenient for our welfare??? Go away God, I'm doing just fine for now. So, what is God to do when humankind is given free-will to serve him but elects not??? We tie up God's hands then ask God to open them and help when tragedy comes. It is not right nor is it fair to place God on this yo-yo of life then jerk his chain when we need help. It doesn't work that way. God is a just God and a jealous God; and wants us to serve Him and only Him! You can't serve two masters...can't straddle the fence...this day I want God but tomorrow I want the world. No, no, no!

God is the Ultimate Power. No other source can beat or match the omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent God of all humankind. Genesis 1:1 says in the beginning, God created the heavens and earth. "Well, if God is the beginning then who do you think will have the last Word?"

The Enemy may tempt us to think that he has great power but that power will not be able to withstand the ultimate power of our Father.
As Jesus taught us to pray, let us pray to Our Father, our Heavenly Parent who dwells in the heavens and on earth. God is real! He lives for evermore! Whether some choose to believe or not, God IS God.

If you say to God, leave me alone, then God will leave you alone but he will never let you go. He will simply wait until you decide to live fully and completely for him. When you are ready to come home with God, he will open his arms and say, welcome back my child I've been waiting for you.

God is not a spirit without compassion, grace and love. God IS love and love allowed God to send Jesus to take the place of ALL sin. The One who gives life - takes life as HE sees fit. We may not always agree with the method but in the end, the purpose will speak for itself.

It is my prayer that each one will reach one then teach one about the truth, which resides with the Living God. Amen!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Deceptive Hearts of Worship

If God were your father [said Jesus] you would love me, for I came from God and arrived here. I didn't come on my own. He sent me. Why can't you understand one word I say? Here's why: You can't handle it. You're from your father, the Devil, and all you want to do is please him. He was a killer from the very start. He couldn't stand the truth because there wasn't a shred of truth in him. When the Liar speaks, he makes it up out of his lying nature and fills the world with lies. I arrive on the scene, tell you the plain truth, and you refuse to have a thing to do with me. Can any one of you convict me of a single misleading word, a single sinful act? But if I'm telling the truth, why don't you believe me? Anyone on God's side listens to God's words. This is why you're not listening—because you're not on God's side." John 8:43-47



MATTHEW 7:15-23



JOHN 8:44





Intimate Gatherings

Intimate Gatherings ®

¨ Mission

Our mission is to bring back wholesome, healthy and honest conversation between persons who are seeking for an intellectual and fun experience.

¨ Purpose
Intimate Gatherings are conversational meetings designed to assist in bridging the gap between families, neighborhoods and communities. Every gathering will be organized, informative and educational.

¨ Vision
Our vision is to create open and sacred conversation; as well as, teach humankind to engage in open dialog and build trust. These gatherings are not designed to counsel, but seek resolution and provide an objective opinion during meaningful conversation amongst consenting participants.

Are you looking for a different social scene? What about intellectual, honest and intimate conversation? Well, Intimate Gatherings may be the dialog scene for you! To book your next intimate gathering, please contact:

Doris G. Deckard

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Good Trees Good Fruit

Do you consider yourself a good tree? How can you make that assessment? Well, let's take a look at scripture, Matthew 7:16-20. My reference is the Women's Devotional Bible (NIV).

16 -By their fruit you will recognize them....
17 - Like wise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.
18 - A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.
19 - Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.
20 - Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.

When was the last time you bit into a sweet, juicy piece of fruit? Did your taste buds burst with excitement? Did your stomach sing the jingle of sate? I'll bet your lips began to utter songs from your heart of hearts and your feet went pat-a-tat-tat. That's what SHOULD happen when you encounter trees that bear good fruit. The best way to tell if the fruit you encounter is bad -- take a closer look. "One apple can spoil the whole bunch if it lingers in the basket long enough."

Sure, the fruit may look spotless on the outside but venomous and spotted on the inside. Wolves in sheep's clothing is very common these days. All who aver Jesus is Lord has not encountered the true Savior. In the end, Jesus will command those strangers to depart from him because he never knew them.

Can a bad tree bear good fruit?????...well....take a closer look at it's produce.

"Watch closely. Look deeper. Listen with careful caution." These exercises will deter you from camping underneath a bad tree and stuck with sticky sap.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Invited but Unwanted Guest

Have you ever been invited to an event or church then mistreated? Doesn't it have you scratching your head and pondering what you've done to deserve the lack of gratitude?

I once heard a sermon. The preacher stated that he was invited as a guest to deliver a message (sermon) at a church then after the preaching was over he was snubbed by the pastor who invited him. Seems the pastor was a bit jealous of the response the guest preacher received from the congregants.

Now, I wonder what would motivate a person to invite you into their home or church then give YOU the cold shoulder?

One time, I was invited to a soiree. As the evening progressed, I began to settled in and enjoy the remainder of the evening. All of a sudden, this cool breeze of an attitude approached me with a fake smile and then vague hello.

OK, I'm thinking, "if you didn't want to speak, why did you make your way to me and stand in my presence?" After all, it was YOUR invitation and I just accepted. Don't front be real!

The nerve of some folks! Some people get ahead and obtain some form of success then begin to have delusions of grandeur. Sure, the home was nice but it wasn't Caesar's Palace. Why did you extend to me an invitation if you really didn't want me present? I know overnight success does not buy you character and God has no respect of a certain person and He loves us all despite our shortcomings so why do some folks feel more superior than others when they gain a little something to leave behind for other's to fight over?? (too funny)

Mama said there would be days like this...

Anyone can rise to the top and just as sure as they rise to the top, they can fall on their face. Some folks should assess themselves before they wreck themselves. God does not like prideful attitudes.

Please do not pretend to want me around when all the while you are fishing for something and it's not my company. Don't feel like you have to invite me into your home or church because you know I have a strong following. People respect me because I have much respect for myself. I am true to my friends I just wished I could say the same.

Do me a favor, the next time you have an event or party or even decided to invite me to preach, be sure that you are accomplished enough to not be overshadowed by my presence. After all, why would you be jealous of someone you are suppose to admire or is that just a front?? Time will tell.

Be blessed and be true to your cause.

~ The Rock

Sunday, January 21, 2007

After A While

After a while, you learn the subtle difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul. You learn that love doesn't mean leaning, company doesn't mean security, kisses aren't contracts and presents aren't promises.
You begin to accept your defects with your head up and your eyes open with grace. You learn to build all of your roads on today because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain for plans.
Futures have a way of falling down in mid flight and after a while you learn that even the sunshine burns if you obtain too much. So, you plant your own garden and decorate your own soul instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.

After a while you learn that you really CAN endure; that you are very strong and have worth. Then as you live, you learn and learn....and grow....and learn some more....

With every hello and learn.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Prayer Answers Our Every Need

Prayer is the answer to every problem of life. It puts us in tune with divine wisdom which knows how to adjust everything perfectly. So often we do not pray in certain situations because from our stand point, the outlook is hopeless. But nothing is impossible for God. Nothing is so entangled that it cannot be remedied; no human relationship is too strained for God to bring about reconciliation and understanding; no habit so deeply rooted that it cannot be overcome; no one is so weak that he or she cannot be strong; no one is so ill that she or he cannot be healed. No mind is so dull that it cannot be made brilliant. What ever we need, if we trust God, He will supply it. If anything is causing worry or anxiety, let us stop rehearsing the difficulty and trust God for healing, love and power.

Review & Herard, October 7, 1865

Saturday, January 13, 2007

The Poetic Love of God

God's love makes me love
Not bitter but sweet
The trees that grow
In the rain or snow
Lean down on me below
The love of God dwells within me
High or low, fast or slow
Through thick and thin
And the change within
Seems to be offered for free
For the love of God is in me
The world should often repeat

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Thank You Lord!

Today, as I sit in front of my monitor, listening to some soft spiritual music, I’m thinking of all the many ways to say, Thank You Lord. You have done so much to see me to this point in my life and I just want to pause and give thanks….

God, you’ve been so good to me and I just can’t tell it all. You’ve kept me from dangers seen and unseen. Thank you for protection and direction. Thank you for wisdom and knowledge. Thank you for all that you’ve given and all that I have yet to receive. Your promises are never broken and your grace is infinite. You are worthy to be praised, glorified and honored. Thank you for loving me and caring for me, even when I couldn’t care for myself. You’ve carried my burdens when they became too heavy for me to carry. Thank you Lord! You’ve watched over my family and loved ones; thank you Lord! You’ve answered my prayers and said wait when the timing was not right for me. Thank you Lord.

I love you with all of my heart. From the very depths of my soul, you are Lord of my life and there will be no other. No one will be able to separate your love from me; and for that, I thank you Lord! Thank You for mercy; thank You for grace; thank You for peace; thank You for courage; thank You for health; thank You for spiritual wealth and the many promises to come. I bless your Holy Name and give you all the praise because that’s what you deserve from me. You alone are worthy.

God, I’ve learned to trust in you and only you. My strength comes from you; my joy comes from you; my peace comes from you; my life comes from you. I am your child and you are my Father. Thank You for sending my brother Jesus, the Christ, the Savior and friend to rescue me from sin. I am free and have salvation because of His blood. I have everlasting life because Jesus paid the ultimate price and sacrificed His life for mine. Humankind has been reconciled with you God, because of Jesus’ blood and for that, I thank you Lord! Thank you Jesus! Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! I just want to Thank You Lord!

In Jesus’ matchless name, Amen.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

No Turning Back, I Rest My Case

Folks, I have good news for you. I’m going to offer you a "free" gift. How many of us like the word free? Well, what if I told you this is something you already have in your possession? All you have to do is put your keys in the ignition and turn towards God’s grace.

The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor.....

Does your spirit need a face-lift? The good news is the Gospel Message -- which is, the free gift of grace.
Paul in his epistles used the word grace to describe the vital difference between striving to win God’s favor and accepting God’s gift of salvation, which is an expression of God’s grace. Your face-lift (gift) is waiting for you! No surgery or make-up is required; no coupons nor mail-in rebates are needed; this offer is good 24/7. You are "free" to accept this gift at anytime. Seek the Holy Spirit for guidance and walk in your grace. No turning back!

He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind…

You are no longer a prisoner of someone else’s misery. Take those shackles off your feet and run towards heaven. Go from the pit to the palace. Look to the hills for we know our help comes from the Most High. Let us begin to be mountain thinkers instead of resting in the valley. Look towards heaven and not down to the the ground. Take off those blinders! Remove the scales from your eyes and see the glory of the Lord. God has done great things for you. God is worthy to be praised!!!! No turning back to self hate! No turning back to self pity! Take CAN’T out of your vocabulary! Rest your case on God and give your life to Christ. No turning back!

…to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.

Cheer up my sisters and brothers! If you begin to magnify and glorify God, those demons of sadness, depression and oppression will flee from your presence. Claim the victory today and ask Jesus to come into your hearts. The favor of the Lord is upon US in 2007! All who are ready will receive the favor of God. Those who are not ready will have to wait for the next harvest.

Let us be ready in season and out of season. When God is ready to bless you, will you be ready? No turning back! Reflect but don’t regret! Look back but don't digress. Remember: only what YOU do for Christ will last then, you can really rest your case in that heavenly place called grace! No turning back.....I rest my case!!

Reference Scriptures: Luke 4:18-19

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