Pastor Doris G. Deckard

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Dallas, Texas, United States
Pastor Deckard is a native Texan and lives in Dallas with her family. She preached her first sermon in 2004 and was ordained in 2008. Pastor Deckard has continued to preach and teach at Church of the Solid Rock. She has made her life all about service and participated in many workshops and seminars, from parenting symposiums to diversity conferences along with speaking engagements. Pastor Deckard has traveled locally and internationally, preaching and singing for the Lord. She is a Partnered Ally with the University of North Texas Equality and Diversity Programs and received many awards for her various community-outreach programs and volunteer services. One ministry very close to her heart is Sand Branch. As a Preacher of the Gospel, Pastor Deckard desires to introduce more souls to Christ as she encourages others to focus more on spirituality and their relationship with the Lord. Pastor Deckard founded D. G. Deckard Ministries in 2007, a 501c3 Christian organization. She is also the founder and Pastor of Church the Solid Rock, Dallas TX; a place of worship, acceptance and spiritual growth.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Change Has Come to our World

Change has come not only to America but to the world. We should celebrate as the world celebrates the victory!!! Now we can truly say, the sky is the limit!!!
As many of us witnessed history, how many of us were thinking good thoughts? Did we give thanks to God for the change? Although we may not all agree with the choice of President nor his view and ideals but we have to admit that change was absolutely necessary for the continued growth of this great nation, the super power called America!!! Let me share with you my belief: The only Super Power is the One who is Superior to all of humanity and that is our Creator. He is the One Constant that does not change but allows us to grow as free-agents.

I am the Lord, and I do not change. That is why you descendants of Jacob are not already destroyed. Malachi 3:6 (NLT)

Our obedience to please God should drive us to follow the guidelines and teaching of Jesus in order to unlock our assigned blessings. As we recognize our new President, let us not forget who’s in charge of this universe. Our Creator is our "Commander in Chief." President Barack Obama can only do what God allows. After all, nothing happens out of the will of God.

We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps. Proverbs 16:9

Since change has come to our world, how many of us are willing to embrace the change? During these perilous and trying times, we must begin to seek change by beginning with self. The change begins from within. If we begin to renew our minds, will shall become new creatures in Christ. Develop good Christian habits and embrace high morals and ethics. Begin to explore the true meaning of love then the other fruit of God's Spirit will begin to reign in our lives. Let us begin to turn our hearts from cold to warm and our minds from the trained thoughts and guided biases that we've grown up with, to God thoughts and healthy deeds. If you say you love God then why not embrace your neighbor. We may not always like our neighbors but as Christians, we are required to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Are we humane enough to refuse to accept hatred because of OUR beliefs and taught bigotry of any kind? Will our ill-trained thoughts and misguided biases get the best of us? Will we hope for a successful term for our President or his demise? After all, if he fails, we all fail.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all.

"We should really begin to embrace this really be that one nation under God! We should undergird President Barack Obama and support him as an American President not as an African-American or interracial President American. Sure it was a great day in history for many People of Color but it was also God's answer to many of our American prayers. The economy IS in a HOT mess but when we pray collectively for the same change, and then change comes. Maybe now our prayers could go a little something like this now....God, thank you for the change. Now God, we need to help our President get us out of the mess by doing OUR part. Help "ME" to do MY part Oh Lord, and if it be Your will God, bless me to bless another. Help us to redefine our lives, according to Your holy word, in Jesus' name, Amen, Amen and Amen!!!

We cannot point fingers at any one person. If we are not a part of the solution then one can only assume that we are a part of the problem. It may sound simple but it's evident that if each person would contribute their "fair" share, then we all can have a "fair" piece of the American Dream! There's only one condition though....God has to be at the forefront our lives.
Trusting God is the only assurance we'll ever need. If God declares it, you'd better believe it!!! God determines the outcome of our plans. If we would just learn to trust and hold on to God's unchanging hand and begin again with hope in God [first] then our "dreams" will come to pass according to God's will for our lives.

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. Matthew 6:33 (NLT)

We can begin change by changing how we view one another. We are all unique and wonderfully made in God's image; not only as Americans but as Citizen of the Promise. Worship & praise our Creator and serve one another in love. "After all, it is love, grace and mercy from God that keeps us, and nothing that we've done so well." dgd

Sharing the Promise....
- Rev

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