Pastor Doris G. Deckard

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Dallas, Texas, United States
Pastor Deckard is a native Texan and lives in Dallas with her family. She preached her first sermon in 2004 and was ordained in 2008. Pastor Deckard has continued to preach and teach at Church of the Solid Rock. She has made her life all about service and participated in many workshops and seminars, from parenting symposiums to diversity conferences along with speaking engagements. Pastor Deckard has traveled locally and internationally, preaching and singing for the Lord. She is a Partnered Ally with the University of North Texas Equality and Diversity Programs and received many awards for her various community-outreach programs and volunteer services. One ministry very close to her heart is Sand Branch. As a Preacher of the Gospel, Pastor Deckard desires to introduce more souls to Christ as she encourages others to focus more on spirituality and their relationship with the Lord. Pastor Deckard founded D. G. Deckard Ministries in 2007, a 501c3 Christian organization. She is also the founder and Pastor of Church the Solid Rock, Dallas TX; a place of worship, acceptance and spiritual growth.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Lord Send A Revival and Let It Begin with ME

Church of the Solid Rock is hosting its 2nd revival. Delores Berry blessed us with her rainbow psalms; the Praise Team and Rev. Lonnie, thank you for allowing God to use you..and for sharing your gifts with our church. Rev. Lonnie keep allowing God to use those anointed hands to blessed others. Ellen, thank you for the awesome percussions! You ROCK!!!

Rev. Darraugh, thank you for opening up the sanctuary to share your space with our church and for helping us to establish our local church body. It takes a real leader to not feel intimidated by another church who is NOT an MCC denomination but independent. Just proves that God's children can assemble and share in a Spirit-filled worship experience regardless of where!

I can't wait to see what God has in store for us on tomorrow. Rev. NaDine Rawls is preaching and I KNOW she's going to LET US HAVE IT!! Hope to see some more folks in the house!!!
Sunday is our brunch at 11 am at Mattito’s (Dallas). Hope you are able to join us!!!

Sharing the Promise,

Pastor Doris G Deckard
Church of the Solid Rock, Dallas TX

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