Pastor Doris G. Deckard

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Dallas, Texas, United States
Pastor Deckard is a native Texan and lives in Dallas with her family. She preached her first sermon in 2004 and was ordained in 2008. Pastor Deckard has continued to preach and teach at Church of the Solid Rock. She has made her life all about service and participated in many workshops and seminars, from parenting symposiums to diversity conferences along with speaking engagements. Pastor Deckard has traveled locally and internationally, preaching and singing for the Lord. She is a Partnered Ally with the University of North Texas Equality and Diversity Programs and received many awards for her various community-outreach programs and volunteer services. One ministry very close to her heart is Sand Branch. As a Preacher of the Gospel, Pastor Deckard desires to introduce more souls to Christ as she encourages others to focus more on spirituality and their relationship with the Lord. Pastor Deckard founded D. G. Deckard Ministries in 2007, a 501c3 Christian organization. She is also the founder and Pastor of Church the Solid Rock, Dallas TX; a place of worship, acceptance and spiritual growth.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

God Thinks You're Wonderful

Psalm 139:16
Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.

Beloved, I know it may be difficult for you to believe that God knows your name - but He does. If you have accepted Christ as your personal Savior (Rom 10:9-10), your name is written in His hand and spoken by His mouth and whispered by His lips. On the contrary, see John 3:18.

He knows your name and thinks you're wonderful!

You have captured the heart of God. He cannot bear to live without you. God's dream is to make you right (righteous living) with Him. And the path to the Cross tells us exactly how far God will go to call us back. John 3:16

It is not our love for God; it is God's love for us in sending His Son to be The Way. If you want to touch God's heart, use the name He loves to hear...Father!
Mat 6:9-13; Luke 11:2-4

God thinks you're wonderful; He knows your name!

Jehovah has written your name in the palm of His hand. Isaiah 49:16

God really thinks you're wonderful! Try El Padre, El es Maravilloso!!

- Rev

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